Dive into your Career

056: How to make your job application stand out

Gina Visram Season 3 Episode 10

The job market is competitive... sometimes tens, hundreds... even thousands of applicants for advertised roles. At the time of recording this episode, it is arguably a candidates market, with talk of #TheGreatResignation however it's always important to know how to ensure your application has impact. So, how do you make your application stand out? 

In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, Gina Visram shares 5 things you can do to make an impactful application. This is not an exhaustive list... nor do you need to do all of these if it feels overwhelming, but start somewhere. Don't let your application languish in a pile with minimal hope of being chosen to progress to the next stage. 

The topic is reflects on one of the most frequently asked questions Gina is asked. Hope it is helpful for you today whether you are applying for work experience, spring weeks, internships, placement years , graduate roles or anything beyond. 

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