Dive into your Career

101: What happens if I don't meet my offers on Results Day?

Gina Visram Season 7 Episode 2

As we enter A-Level results day 2023, my mind and heart goes out to students around the U.K. and globally who follow the British system, with their own hearts in their throats right now. On the cusp of greatness (whether or not they achieve their grades) and soon to realise whether the expectation and hope they have for themselves for their immediate next chapter is to be realised as they envisioned it… or whether it is time for them to dream a new dream (or pivot the existing one, or at the very least - reset the potential timing of it all).

Such a big day.  

If you missed your offer - firstly *hugs*. I am so soooo sorry. I know it can be devastating. You will need to recalibrate and come up with a new plan. Do listen to this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast - it is full of gems just for you. 

Do listen and share this episode with anyone in your world who is creating a new vision  or new plan for themselves, after navigating some disappointing results. 

All while remembering that regardless of your results you are just as incredible as you were before receiving them - and if you are kind to yourself in this process and ready to take action, you can create a brilliant alternative plan. 

Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?

You've got this!