Dive into your Career
Are you a student or new graduate early on your career journey? A bit stressed trying to work out your next steps? You're in the right place. Hosted by qualified careers guidance professional Gina Visram from Your Career And Future, The Dive into your Career podcast is the hub for all things "early careers" and is created with secondary (high) school and university (college) students in mind. Gina's supports students and new graduates on their journey from education to employment in a spirit of fun and optimism not fear and overwhelm.
Want to write a powerful CV and cover letter? Keen to understand why networking is important and the best ways to do it? Curious about how your application can stand out in the graduate or apprenticeship recruitment process? Ready to know more about what employers are looking for in candidates? Interested in learning about what you can do now to be an appealing candidate in the present and future? Keen to start your career on solid financial footing? Want to demystify how to make the most of LinkedIn? Stay tuned for solo and interview episodes which answer the questions you are asking, as a determined and driven person in the early days of your career development. Welcome to the Dive into your Career podcast.
For more from Gina and to explore her products and services, go to the Your Career And Future website - https://yourcareerandfuture.com/
Dive into your Career
107 - (Part 3 of 3) BHM 2023 Saluting Our Sisters: 32 awesome UK-connected black (and mixed heritage) women to follow on LinkedIn
It's here! The last of 3 episodes in this series shining a light on some very accomplished women who would likely enhance your feed if you follow them on LinkedIn.
"Saluting Our Sisters" is the theme of Black History Month 2023 in the UK. This has inspired today's topic of the Dive Into Your Career podcast - "32 awesome UK-connected black and mixed heritage women to follow on LinkedIn" (Part 3 of 3).
In this episode... I am proud to introduce the final11 of the 32 women who feature in this series.
Please note... there was no vote. There are no rankings. This isn't even divided by industry. Over the three parts, these episodes feature 32 black and mixed heritage women whose work I have seen up close or from afar and who I greatly admire. Importantly, for the purpose of this list - they are also active content creators and contributors on LinkedIn, the world's biggest online professional network - so aren't you lucky to be able to click a button in these show notes and follow them on the platform.
So here goes, here's the list. Do remember to make sure that you share this episode if it's of value to you and also subscribe to the Dive Into Your Career podcast to make sure you don't miss more valuable career development content.
- (22) Shereen Daniels
Follow Shereen on LinkedIn - (23) Annika Allen
Follow Annika on LinkedIn - (24) Ladi Mohammed Chapman
Follow Ladi on LinkedIn
4(25) Cel Amade
Follow Cel on LinkedIn
5. (26) Serlina Boyd
Follow Serlina on LinkedIn
6. (27) Deborah B Williams
Follow Deborah on LinkedIn
7. (28) Naomi Kellman
Follow Naomi on LinkedIn
8. (29) Ramat Tejani
Follow Ramat on LinkedIn
9. (30) Vanessa Sam
Follow Vanessa on LinkedIn
10. (31) Hayley Mulenda
Follow Hayley on LinkedIn
11. (32) Marielle Legair
Follow Marielle on LinkedIn
and a bonus mention
12. (33) Ore Ade
Follow Ore on LinkedIn
As you know, this list is not exhaustive but i
Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:
- The Dive Into Your Career podcast page of the Your Career And Future website where you can also leave me a message suggesting a careers-related topic for a future episode
- Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
- Via "Gina Visram" on LinkedIn (where they may be a post with a link to this episode where you can contribute some wisdom / reflections)
- Sign up for the mailing list (for students and graduates... a list for their supporters will follow)
- E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any queries
Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?
You've got this!