Dive into your Career

123 - Black History Month 2024 "Reclaiming Narratives" - Proudly owning your careers story

Gina Visram Season 9 Episode 4

Inspired by the 2024 theme for Black History Month (BHM) in the UK, "Reclaiming Narratives" - this episode of the Dive Into Your Career looks at this concept more widely as well as specifically in relation to proudly owning your careers story. 

In this episode, career coach and host of the Dive Into Your Career podcast shares thoughts around: 

  • Critical thinking in relation to history when it comes to who is telling stories and what their motivation is (as well as considering who is not telling their own stories)
  • Hidden Figures - The brilliant film inspired by the discovery of the impact 3 black, female Mathematicians (Katherine Goble Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn and Mary Jackson) who worked for NASA during the space race 
  • Reclaiming Narratives in relation to your career journey 
  • Acknowledgement that with the global situation being what it is, there are many people who cannot own their own journey, due to their circumstances. Bisan from Gaza is named as an example (of the thousands and millions who may not have control of their career trajectory but certainly are reclaiming their story)
  • Proudly owning your career journey and your career story (and what the difference is) 

Don't be a passenger in your own life. 

Ready to own your experiences and differences?
Time to level up and take some ownership of your trajectory?

This is a powerful episode for you...

Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

Also - are you a job seeker early in your career?

You've got this!